Shirt: Gap, Vest: Forever21, Shorts: Urban Outfitters, Scarf: J. Crew, Bag: Vintage Coach, Sunglasses: H&M, Sunglasses: J. Crew, Boots: Gilt |
I'm not sure if it's just me or not, but I feel that our New York City fall weather was short lived. A few weeks ago the city had the perfect weather where the sky was clear and it was not too cold and not too hot. I put on my favorite jean shorts and rugged boots to stroll the city with Kristen. It was so nice to have her in town for longer than a weekend so that she could taste the true city living experience. My favorite parts of her visit were working on my Halloween costume (a white swan) and making several home cooked meals (more to come).
Loving your boots and necklace :)
Emma xxx
dying for your necklace
Missed you around in the blogging world :)
i love your outfit! the boots with jean shorts, the jeweled necklace, your scarf! you look great! :)
Yea, I really can't figure out this weather. Although, I can't complain at all about the gorgeous weather recently! x
I LOVE your blog and the concept of it! You have great outfits and I'm super jealous you live in NYC :) I'm following now!
With Love From Michigan
those boots and necklace are just so fabulous! adore your entire outfit!
xo TJ
i love mini pumpkins! I have them ALL over my house right now! They are just so cute. Too bad they mold in about a week because of the dang humidity on my little island. Oh well, a girl can dream right?
Cute post.
I love a good leopard print scarf! And your necklace is so pretty!
cute! love the necklace.
Amazing photos and really cool outfit, you look great, I love your vest, what a great length and those shorts are cute, the perfect touch to the outfit; your boots also rock, you are really beautiful! Your blog is awesome by the way and I am a new follower! Hope you will like my blog and follow back!
Pop Culture&Fashion Magic
pretty photos! I wish I would live in NYC, too :)
Great Outfit! i love your coat, your scraf and your shoes! Looks perfectly together!
Hope you visit me on my Blog
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