Fly Like a Butterfly.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Moving to NYC felt like it took months! Decorating my room was a very sloooooowww process. Remember the bare wall in my room? Well, I needed something to put over my bed so I thought of maybe hanging a frame. Eh, nah. Or what about a poster? What, am I twelve? Too college dorm room for me! Once Kristen told me about her nifty, cheap, and everything wonderful project I knew the fate of my bare wall would be promising.  And so together we added some life to my wall on one lazy afternoon in November.  Part of me feels like it's too high (or maybe my older sister Katie just says so), but part of me just doesn't even care I love it so much. Correction: we love it so much! In fact, Kristen entered this project into a ReadyMade contest (hint, hint, go vote for her here) in hopes of winning a trip to visit me!


Gawgus things... said...

This is so stunning. You must have a lot of patience!! I tried to vote for you, but I had to sign-up and I kept getting the state and Country wrong (I was trying to guess one!), so can you give me a valid combo and I'll try again...! xxx

krisandkel said...

Thank you SO SO much! A valid combo should be FL (State) and US (Country)--if you need a City and Zip you can use Tampa and 33602. If it doesn't work no biggie!! I appreciate the effort!

Miranda said...

I love it!!

Unknown said...

this is GORGEOUS!! I want to duplicate it in my room haha but i painted stripes on my wall and i think it'd clash. bummer. it's reminiscent of Serena's room in gossip girl - which i fell inlove with the moment i saw it. good job! i voted :)

MissLadi said...

This is an AMAZING idea! I love the black butterflies with a few of the white sprinkled in. Definitely voting for this!

Margaret said...

this is insane :O i need it on my wall pronto!
great blog!
loving the posts
stop by some time xx
take a peek at my $100 gift card giveaway while you're at it!

Sherrie Cola said...

These are great!

Kayla said...

This is the most stunning thing I have seen all day! I am envious!

Ramblings of a Small Town Girl

emily said...

that's such an amazing idea, i love it!! it's so unique as well, much better than just a picture.

Unknown said...

wow this is beyond amazing and i love butterflies xxxx

Ashley Archibald said...

that is gorgeous! beautiful idea and i love the bedding

christie said...

wow ! i have NEVER seen anything like that before - its beautiful! I would love it in our bedroom but hubby would say its too girly and creative !

want to follow each other?


Sarah Klassen said...

pretty! how whimsical...

thank you so much for all of your sweet comments on my blog -- wishing you a fabulous start to the new week :)

Unknown said...

Wow this is breath taking!!!

Anonymous said...

Simply lovely. I want to try something similar.

Sophia said...

this is really amazing and such a unique idea. I love the final result!!! Hope you've settled in now :). Thank you for the amazing comment! <3

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