A Genius Eyeliner Tutorial.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to Be a Girl: Cat Eyes By Magic! from The Hairpin on Vimeo.

Kelly will probably make fun of me for posting this, but I'm no pro when it comes to applying liquid eyeliner (and she will vouch for that). I recently stumbled across this video and in my opinion it is absolutely genius!  Apparently Scotch tape isn't just used in the office and we should should add a roll to our make-up bag (errrr, kidding).  While on the topic of eyeliner, I must share with you one of my favorites to use here.  So girls, no more excuses for sloppy eyeliner applications!

Pumpkin Muffins for Fall.

Friday, November 18, 2011

A few weeks ago when I went to New York to visit Kelly, we baked the fall version of doughnut muffins: pumpkin doughnut muffins! They are the perfect breakfast or dessert to enjoy as the temperatures begin to drop and make you embrace every bit of the fall season.  With the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday next week, they would be a wonderful addition to you recipe list.

Urban Fall.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Shirt: Gap, Vest: Forever21, Shorts: Urban Outfitters, Scarf: J. Crew, Bag: Vintage Coach,
Sunglasses: H&M, Sunglasses: J. Crew, Boots: Gilt
I'm not sure if it's just me or not, but I feel that our New York City fall weather  was short lived.  A few weeks ago the city had the perfect weather where the sky was clear and it was not too cold and not too hot.  I put on my favorite jean shorts and rugged boots to stroll the city with Kristen.  It was so nice to have her in town for longer than a weekend so that she could taste the true city living experience. My favorite parts of her visit were working on my Halloween costume (a white swan) and making several home cooked meals (more to come).

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